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Our Rose & Calendula Facial mask is a cleansing and brightening (not whitening) mask with properties of nutrient rich ingredients such as pomegranate peel, hibiscus flower, and sandalwood. Take a heaped teaspoon of the powder and mix with warm water to form a thick paste. Massage onto face and scrub for a minute or 2. Then leave the mask on to dry (15 mins). Wash off with water. It can be used as a follow up after using our Saffron Flower Facial Oil. It can also be mixed with yoghurt or honey to form a richer mask.

Rose & Calendula Facial Mask (100g)

SKU: 632835642834572
  • Phaseolus mungo, Sapindus trifoliatus, Azadirachta indica, Dolichos biflorus, Rose petals, Promegranate peel, Curcuma aromatica, Curcuma zedoaria, Vetiver, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, Emblica officinalis, Santalum officinalis

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